

If your former employer charges you with criminal conduct, most times you will not get a second chance to do something else. You will probably be terminated right away on the bases on severity. If you did not commit the crime, you should protest the charge. You may perhaps even want to consult an attorney when you are charged with this type of allegation.

Don’t be afraid to get upset and show that you are not pleased with these type of charges against you. Offer your theory of who did it. Make sure your interviewer knows that you are not going to stand for someone saying you conducted yourself criminally because you did not do it.

Ask during the hearing if your former employer questioned anyone else. Is it possible that something else occurred? You want to take the spotlight off of you and onto possibly creating doubt that a reasonable person my feel after listening to you.

Again in this case, the burden of proof falls on your former employer to make the case against you. There are times when an employer doesn’t have a definite case against you and more of a suspicion. They will probably be glad you are gone so they will not contest the case and you will receive your unemployment benefit. Tell your interviewer that you look forward to proving your former employer wrong and proving your innocence. If your former employer used these charges to terminate you, but have not filed criminal charges against with the authorities, bring this point up to your interviewer. It is reasonable to consider that if you had committed the charges at your job, you would have expected to have been contacted by the authorities and since you have not, you question the validity of the charge.

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