Workers have to meet certain state requirements to receive an Unemployment benefit. They must show a significant work history and that they plan to continue to work once they find employment. To qualify, they must have worked a certain number of weeks during the benefit year. In addition, they must have earned a certain amount in order to qualify as well.
Workers who show they have lost their job through no fault of their own will most likely receive Unemployment Benefits. You have to be able to do your old job or a similar one and register for new work. You must also be a US citizen or legally able to work in the US. Each state has a different guideline for what ‘no fault’ means....
Read morePosted on 05/26/2011 at 12:00 AM
There are certain situations where your state will determine you are ineligible for unemployment such as:
Loss of job due to willful misconduct. This is a very serious offense. When you were employed, you would have disobeyed a known company rule on purpose or willfully. Most employers have a process they go through to get to a termination stage. You employer would have met with you on many occasions advising you of the discretion and then the situation happened again and again until it was time for dismissal. If you were not made aware of company rules or not notified of the discretions, you may have a legal issue with your former employer. This book will not elaborate on employment law issu...
Read morePosted on 05/26/2011 at 12:00 AM
As an unemployed person trying to receive benefits, you must be able to available for work. You cannot refuse ‘suitable work’, or work you have experience in that will pay you the same or above the rate of pay that you were earning before.
If you receive unemployment benefits, you must continue to put forth the effort to secure work. You will have to file out job applications, go on interviews and accept a job if offered to you. Most states ask you to file for the benefit each week and you will have show proof that you are looking for work. The unemployed worker’s health must be good enough for work within the area.
You must not have personal circumstances which prevent you f...
Read morePosted on 05/26/2011 at 12:00 AM
Some workers are asked to participate in re-employment services or retraining when they have been unable to find suitable work for a period of time. Once you are enrolled in this type of training program, you will be trained in a job skill. One benefit of this program is that you are not asked to continue looking for work while you are in the program. You may even qualify for up to 18 weeks of extended benefits. You are able to focus on your studies without having to look for work and receive your benefit. Once the training is complete, you will have to take a job in the field where you have been trained. You will have to fully participate in assessment interviews, orientation and referred r...
Read morePosted on 05/26/2011 at 12:00 AM
There are additional hurdles that must be met in certain situations. If you are enrolled in school, you must have it approved by your unemployment agency. You must also explain how your classes will not prohibit you from seeking employment or that you will stop going to school if it keeps you from finding a suitable job offer.
Earned Income
If you decide to work a part time job after actively looking for work, you may have an additional hurdle if you lose that job and become unemployed again. If you have not earned at least $3000 during the one year period after filing unemployment, called the “base period”, you will not qualify for unemployment. This is something to consider when ...
Read morePosted on 05/26/2011 at 12:00 AM